• Why is there no class action on behalf of the 800,000 adult Aspergers who suffered gross medical malpractice?

    Why is there no class action on behalf of the 800,000 adult Aspergers who suffered gross medical malpractice?

    ince the correct diagnosis existed since 1943 and American medical professionals misdiagnosed their Asperger patients for 50 years,why no  legal consequences?
    A class action would be very difficult in this particular situation, because the specific damages that each class member experienced or incurred would likely vary widely.  It’s unlike a case of e.Coli poisoning or corporate malfeasance, in which the exact same injury was incurred by every class member, and the exact same remedy would apply to all members equally.
    That’s assuming that there’s even a real cause of action here, which might be difficult to prove, as the standards of the profession at the time are what would determine malfeasance – and the standards of the profession regarding Asperger’s and other autism spectrum disorders have changed drastically in the past 10 years, not to mention 68.
    Asperger Syndrome was not officially added to the DSM — the manual that provides recognized diagnostic criteria for diagnosis of psychiatric conditions — until 1994.
    Furthermore, I don’t think you understand how science and research work. Discovery != dissemination, acceptance or understanding.
    Malpractice compares practice to a community standard of care.  If no one diagnosed Asperger’s in 1975 and I didn’t either, I meet the standard of care.  Asperger was not instantly recognized as correct in 1943.  I don’t think people started taking his ideas seriously until they started taking autism seriously in the last 20 years or so.

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