• Cannabis seized after call from energy company – regional news

    Cannabis seized after call from energy company – regional news

    Police in Weston-super-Mare have seized suspected cannabis plants after being alerted by an electricity firm.
    An engineer had been called to deal with a problem with power in the street and could smell cannabis.
    Officers were called at about 10am on Thursday, December 10. On entering the property they found about 600 plants believed to be cannabis.
    Police remained at the property until about 4pm while the plants and equipment were seized.
    They received support from Operation Viscount, Avon and Somerset Police’s specialist team dedicated to tackling cannabis production.
    There was no householder at the property when officers attended.
    Neighbourhood PC Jon Phippen said: “We work with power companies as cannabis growers have been known to illegally connect to the electricity supply, which can lead to electrical faults and fires.
    “Our investigation is continuing and we are following some lines of enquiry to trace those living at this address.

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